
Key Issues

Amendment 4

The overwhelming majority of Floridians think we should all have the freedom to make our own personal health care decisions without interference from politicians. This is an issue that crosses all party lines with more than 150,000 Republicans among 1.3m signatures collected.

Make sure you are registered to vote, and if you are, that your registration is up to date by checking here

Yes! Abortion is still legal in Florida.

People want and deserve to make their own personal, private, medical decisions, and we will never stop fighting for our freedom to control our bodies and our lives.

Abortion is safe and common, and you can get this care if you need it.

Floridians for Reproductive Freedom has resources to help. Go to their website to learn more

Amendment 3

The economics of legalizing marijuana

Cannabis legalization offers tremendous financial benefits for state governments, and cannabis tax revenues can be allocated for social services and programs — funding education, school construction, early literacy, public libraries, bullying prevention, behavioral health, alcohol and drug treatment, veterans’ services, conservation, job training, conviction expungement expenses, and reinvestment in communities that have been disproportionately affected by the war on cannabis, among many others.